Ecological Monitoring, Fauna and Flora Surveys and Supervision of Clearing
Curtis Island, Gladstone, Qld.
The EGC environmental team has been awarded two major terrestrial ecology contracts for the APLNG and QCLNG Liquid Natural Gas plants on Curtis Island, Queensland, Australia. The liquefaction plants are being developed as part of the Australian coal seam gas production scheme and consist of several LNG trains, where the gas piped from the Bowen, Surat and Galilee Basins is converted into LNG for export.
Both projects are proposed in ecologically sensitive areas and required an assessment of fauna and flora in preparation for the construction of the conversion facilities. An EGC team of ecologists and spotter-catchers carried out a thorough fauna and flora survey of the proposed clearing areas, and developed protocols for clearing hollow bearing trees and fauna management. An EGC team of spotter-catchers supervised the clearing activities, capturing and relocating any native animals encountered with minimum stress and maximum care.
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