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Quantitative Ecological Monitoring

EGC undertook a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the terrestrial fauna and flora of a site within disturbed native forest near Helidon, Queensland. Following a thorough literature/database review, a comprehensive flora survey was implemented, including:

  • Regional Ecosystem map interpretation to distinguish likely vegetation communities; and
  • Targeted and detailed, site specific surveys incorporating seven transects, in order to identify the presence or absence of Endangered, Vulnerable or Rare plant species (as listed under Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act 1992).

Particular emphasis was placed on two species of threatened flora (Paspalidium grandispiculatum – Helidon Hills panic, Grevillea quadricauda – four-tailed Grevilliea) that have areas of Essential Habitat mapped across the property.

Standard fauna methodology was implemented over a four day-three night period, including:

  • small mammal trapping;
  • pitfalls for reptiles and amphibians;
  • spotlighting for nocturnal animals, diurnal searches for reptiles,amphibians and animal tracks;
  • call playback; and
  • ultrasonic detection for insectivorous bats.

Vegetation surveys confirmed the general community structure and composition, comprising a mosaic of non-remnant and remnant vegetation. Paspalidium grandispiculatum was identified at several locations on the property, although no presence of P. grandispiculatum was found in the proposed area of development, or areas to the west of the existing facility. 45 vertebrate species were recorded including 1 amphibian, 3 reptiles, 9 mammals and 32 birds.

EGC provided several recommendations for the minimisation and mitigation of potential impacts of the proposed development on the flora and fauna, with particular emphasis being placed on the management of habitat critical to Paspalidium grandispiculatum. Further recommendations provided by EGC focussed on the subsequent Development Application process, advising the need for an Environmental Management Plan, Fire Management Plan and Weed Management Plan.

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EGC scientists conduct comprehensive ecological surveys at the Helidon project site, Qld.

Photo: Simon Drummond


Flora surveys were completed as part of the quantiative ecological investigation.

Photo: Simon Drummond

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Images © EGC; © sdrummond; © Jupiter Unlimited
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